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Travel Certificate Leader

Odenza has been the preferred travel incentive supplier for businesses since 1998. We have everything you need to increase sales.

Travel Certificates that Work

If you think giving away a vacation for only a fraction of the cost is too good to be true, and wonder if these promotions actually work to increase sales, then check out these results:

A Kia and Mazda dealership in Syracuse, NY with annual revenue of $18 million invested $25,000 in travel incentives, and received 135 certificates, along with all of the promotional materials to decorate their showroom, resulting in record vehicle sales.

Gerald Jones Honda in Augusta, GA spent $35,000 over the past 12 months to sustain $35 million in revenue. They handed out 650 certificates, and received letters and videos from happy customers returning from their trip. Click here to watch video interview.

“I said, ‘How can I use this as a competitive edge?’ And I found that for me, using it as a closing tool, using it as an opportunity to bring people back or at that moment get them to make the decision to purchase a car from us worked quite well. It separates me from the competition because it’s not something being offered – it’s not a TV, not an iPad, not an electronic device or the next best set of knives…it’s something that sets you apart. And one line I always say is, “Hey, you’re going to buy a car anyway, you might as well take a vacation.”
—— Willis Amica, General Manager, Kia and Mazda dealership in Syracuse, NY ——

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