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Grand prizes

Imagine the thrill…

Imagine the thrill of what it was like for golf lovers to watch Tiger Woods score his first win since 2008 at the 2019 Masters – an exceptional return to form.

This is a moment two lucky people got to witness in-person through a grand prize offering we created for one of our clients. Suffice to say, the prize was a hole in one.

Since 1998, Odenza has pioneered in the incentives industry – with everything from tickets to sporting events to luxury cruises and week-long getaways around the world.

Over the years, we’ve refined and improved upon the suite of incentive solutions on offer. That means Odenza has an extensive line-up of products that can suit businesses of all sizes, from small family-run joints to multinational corporations – and with our Grand Prize solutions, every business can offer their customers a reward that provides them with something truly special.

Our Grand Prizes come in three categories:

  • Platinum Vacation Prizes
  • Gift Certificate
  • Grand Experiences

Platinum Vacation Prizes

Platinum Prizes are pre-defined, pre-priced vacation and experiential prizes that can be offered to customers. The Platinum Prizes include the following options:

  • 5-Day Cruise Adventure
  • 7-Night Luxury Resort Stay
  • One-Week Getaway (with over 3,000 resorts to choose from)

Gift Certificates

Odenza’s gift certificates allow your business to provide customers with a vacation certificate up to a certain value. The unique benefit of a gift certificate is that the customer can choose to reimburse the certificate’s monetary value towards the vacation of their choosing, even if the gift certificate includes a suggested vacation/location when given. This grants the customer plenty of freedom when it comes to deciding on their preferred vacation experience.

Grand Experiences

At the core of everything we do is the power and value of experiential rewards, and this includes crafting custom-made packages focused on grander experiences, which in the past have included, but are not limited to:

  • US Open Package
  • March Madness Final Four Package
  • Masters Golf Package
  • Spider-Man New York Package

Grand Experience Solutions to Suit Your Needs

No matter the grand prize you’re considering – whether it includes tickets to a major sporting event or a luxury getaway to a world-famous city – Odenza can turn your grand experience endeavors into a reality.

With our extensive customization offers; expansive industry connections with sports, entertainment, and travel companies; and our award-winning travel team, we will help your business craft the perfect grand experience package to engage with more prospects, drive more sales, and inspire greater loyalty among customers – both new and repeat.

Grand Experiences We’ve Created

Want to see just some the grand experience packages we’ve created in the past? You’re in the right place. Read on to find out more.

US Open Package

With our custom-made US Open package (June, 2019), we provided a client with a comprehensive package that covered two people over the course of three days, including air, accommodation, car rental, and on-site amenities at the US Open in Pebble Beach – this included Championship Gallery access, as well as access to the Lodge at Pebble Beach Golf Links.

March Madness Final Four Package

During the 2019 NCAA March Madness Championships, we put together a final four package that a client used as a grand prize for a very lucky customer and a companion. The package included roundtrip airfares and three nights hotel stay in Minneapolis, as well as the Final Four Experience.
The Final Four Experience itself included two tickets to both semi-final games of the NCAA men’s basketball on April 6, and two tickets to the championship game that occurred on April 8. The grand prize winners were also provided with $250 (USD) in spending money.

Masters Golf Package

With the 2019 Masters Tournament that took place at the Augusta National Golf Course, another client saw an opportunity to offer a grand prize to their golf-loving customers. And with Tiger Woods claiming his first victory since 2008, the 2019 Masters was nothing short of an unforgettable experience for the lucky winners. With the grand prize package we crafted for them, the lucky winner was provided with roundtrip airfare for two; two nights hotel stay in Augusta, GA; and two tickets to the Masters final. It also included access the Foundation Club on game-day, complete with a full open bar, breakfast, lunch, and afternoon hors d’oeuvres.

Spider-Man New York Package

Around the time of the launch of Marvel Studio’s hit film Spider-Man: Homecoming, Odenza provided a global electronics company with a total of six grand prize trips for two to NYC, which would be given to six lucky winners at the end of the 3-month contest.
Smaller bi-weekly prizes (that’s a prize every two weeks) were also given to any contestant whose “Spider-Man Power Pose” received the most public upvotes at the end of each 2-week period.

Click here to learn a lot more about the grand prize endeavor here.

Your Premier Grand Prize Provider

The above grand prizes are key examples of the packages we can put together for our clients. Whether you want to provide customers with pre-defined vacation offers, gift certificates that they can utilize to their liking, or full-fledged custom grand experience packages, we’ve got you covered.

Does your company bring in a lot of sports lovers? We can build grand prizes focused on finals from a number of different sports codes. What if your customers are more inclined to enjoy a cruise, resort stay, or multi-day getaway in a city that they love? Again, Odenza will help you bring more of those customers in.

Even if you want to offer a grand prize to a top-performing member of your staff, we provide reward packages for these exact situations – from our Golden Ticket product to (you guessed it!) custom-built grand prizes!

At Odenza, we pride ourselves in providing clients with the very best incentive packages our industry has to offer.

Our commitment to product and service value, as well as providing both clients and travel customers with unmatched professionalism and assistance every step of the way, has played a massive role in why we are the number 1 choice for travel incentives among businesses.

No matter what you need or the type of grand prize you’re considering, you can trust us to provide you with the very best solution possible.

If you have questions about our Grand Prizes, please contact us at 1-866-883-2968

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or call 1-866-883-2968