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It’s a wonderful feeling to know that, after more than a year of intermittent lockdowns and reduced operations, we’re finally coming out on the other end. 2021 started as a year of promise for the return to normal – now, halfway through, that return to normal is a far more tangible reality.

The US continues to reopen – the likes of California, Nevada, and New York having already dropped the vast majority of COVID-era restrictions and public health requirements. And though specific dates are yet to be set in stone, talks of reopening the border between the US and Canada continue to gather steam.

Soon enough, expanded national travel will give way to expanded international travel. Trips abroad, cruises, and weekend getaways over the border will all come back – and they’ll come back with a big bang.

This return to a familiar normalcy also means plenty of businesses will have their hands full getting things back to how they were. If anything, there will be thousands upon thousands of businesses looking to rehire staff or hire new staff to account for the boost in customers once more.

Of course, an exponential jump in job offers means a lot of different businesses will be competing for the attention (and applications!) of ideal candidates. But while thousands of businesses are ready to get things back to full steam, this is not being matched by the number of applicants out there.

Demand for Workers vs Demand for Work

There are plenty of potential reasons for why a lot of businesses are looking to hire while there seem to be less people looking for work.

Some prospects may want to wait a bit longer before getting back out there due to health reasons (e.g. they could have been caring for someone who was immunocompromised, or they are immunocompromised), others may be waiting for child care facilities to have vacancies to free up time for a job, and others may simply need more time to get back on their feet and psych themselves up for a return to work.

At the end of the day, the reasons don’t have to matter. If you want new employees, you’ll find a way to attract them. People who are ready and wanting to work will make it known; all that matters is that your business has a job offer on hand that they would actually want.

Sometimes, all that’s needed is a little incentive.

Signing Bonuses – Travel, Events, Cruises, Unforgettable Experiences

While signing bonuses have played an important role in securing staff for years, they’re an option more businesses can and should consider in the here and now. Given that almost every industry is looking to replenish staff and build back numbers at the moment, having a unique edge in your hiring process is a key point of differentiation.

With so many potential options available to them, more prospects can afford to pursue the positions that not only cater to the type of role they’d like to take on, but positions that bring them additional benefits.

Considering that travel and vacations were less commonplace during the pandemic, many job seekers are as eager as most others to secure future vacations or experiences that were absent throughout the duration of COVID-19’s heights.

This is where a good Signing Bonus such as a guaranteed trip or event tickets can really command attention. Not only are travel incentives such as cruises, resort getaways, Vegas trips and theme park getaways great options as Signing Bonuses, but they’re also effective as Contract Completion bonuses (e.g. a thank you to a gig worker for undertaking and completing a sizeable task for your company).

Countries are reopening; sporting events, concerts, live shows and Broadway shows are all making their way back. This means demand for travel and experiences are going to skyrocket – in fact, these trends have already begun. People want experiences – they want to get back out there and enjoy time with friends and family, be it as part of a vacation or by going to a baseball game.

Now’s the time to leverage the returning boom of travel and events and offer these experiences to employees as a bonus for joining your business. And with a 2-years to use the Bonus, you can rest assured your employees have plenty of time to redeem, plan and enjoy their reward.

Let’s Talk

If you’re looking to boost your staff numbers and are interested in utilizing Odenza’s array of Signing Bonus solutions, be sure to get in touch with us.

You can do so by filling out the form below, visiting our Contact page, or by giving us a call on 1-866-883-2968.

David Murton is the Senior Editor for Odenza’s blog, where we share stories and insights about travel incentives, marketing solutions, client success stories, and the latest developments within our company. Odenza has delivered 3420 promotions in the last 3 years with 1140 clients in 43 industries throughout North America. Odenza is a three-time recipient of Carnival Cruise Lines' "Pinnacle Club" award for sales excellence and a member of Funjet Vacations "500 Club" of travel agencies. Odenza was recognized for providing superior customer service, demonstrating expertise in Funjet vacation destinations and ensuring that customers receive the best vacation value available.

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